Betty Cutts' Blog

I love Jesus and appreciate his life that flows through me to love others. I hope you enjoy a window into my life.

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Location: Morehead, Kentucky, United States

Betty is a housewife and community volunteer with a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education. She has taught as a volunteer teacher in an English as a second language (ESL) program, and three summer English camps in China. She has also served as a volunteer court-appointed special advocate (CASA). Betty served as secretary for Morehead Sister Cities and spearheaded the Morehead exchanges with Morehead's Sister City - Yangshuo, Guangxi, China. She is a Rotarian and past President of the Morehead Rotary Club. She and her husband David, a retired physics teacher, have two sons, who are engineers with national companies, and four grandchildren.

Friday, July 01, 2005

The first night in Taichung we were invited to Emily's home to visit with her family. Her 6th aunt and her husband brought Sister Oney some lillies. Posted by Picasa


Blogger the seeker said...

I was cruising this blogging community amd my, the interests are diverse. I am always on the lookout for fellow believers. I was interested in your posts because our church in Texas is involved in ministry in and for China. We have several families from China that are now in the states because of danger to themselves or their families from the chinese government. It sounds like you have a true servant's heart!

4:29 PM  

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