Betty Cutts' Blog

I love Jesus and appreciate his life that flows through me to love others. I hope you enjoy a window into my life.

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Location: Morehead, Kentucky, United States

Betty is a housewife and community volunteer with a Master’s Degree in Elementary Education. She has taught as a volunteer teacher in an English as a second language (ESL) program, and three summer English camps in China. She has also served as a volunteer court-appointed special advocate (CASA). Betty served as secretary for Morehead Sister Cities and spearheaded the Morehead exchanges with Morehead's Sister City - Yangshuo, Guangxi, China. She is a Rotarian and past President of the Morehead Rotary Club. She and her husband David, a retired physics teacher, have two sons, who are engineers with national companies, and four grandchildren.

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Sister Thelma T. Oney and I are in Taiwan to minister to our friends and former students.  Posted by Picasa

We found many dried fruits at the grocery store. Sister Oney really liked the arrangement and selection. She usually only eats fruits and vegetables when she is ministering the word of God in a nation.  Posted by Picasa

These carpenters were very interesting to me. They used their ladders like stilts to move around under the ceiling. They just walked around with them with ease.  Posted by Picasa

The sunset is famous in the first port town of Taiwan.  Posted by Picasa

The sun gave us a shady day, so we enjoyed our walk around the old town that was the first harbor for Taipei and the first place that missionaries came in 1877. Posted by Picasa

Before Cherry and Samuel left us Sister Oney prayed for blessings on their coming marriage. They have been a couple for many years and will finally be able to marry in the fall.  Posted by Picasa

We came to this first port of Taiwan on a modern subway. The orginal people who lived here were head hunters and did not welcome the Chinese from the mainland or the English Missionaries. The man in the photo is playing a flute for the passing people.  Posted by Picasa

There were all kinds of vendors selling food along the sidewalk.  Posted by Picasa

This tea shop had wedding cakes for sale. A bride will send out wedding cakes with invitations to her wedding.  Posted by Picasa

The people got excited about some TV personalities that were appearing there that day with a large crowd following them.  Posted by Picasa

The walk along the beach was like Coney Island in New York City. You could buy all kinds of food and see just about anything while looking out on the harbor. Samuel, George, and Emily are taking a rest in this picture.  Posted by Picasa

Perry introduced Sister Oney to small eggs soaked in a sauce.  Posted by Picasa

People promoting for a TV station gave away fans. We have enjoyed them ever since.  Posted by Picasa

Perry's father insisted that I have some ice cream, and it felt good in the heat to have something cold.  Posted by Picasa

We got to see Cherry and her friend Samuel at the harbor. She is teaching piano to private students. Posted by Picasa

Taiwanese temples are covered with gods on top. They worship many gods and their own ancestors. This temple was in the same town as the first missionary church and was probably very old. Posted by Picasa


Perry and his father George took us on a tour of the first Christian missionary settlement in Taiwan in 1872. Dr. McKay is still famous in Taiwan.  Posted by Picasa

This is the first church built by the missionaries from Canada when they came to Northern Taiwan in 1872. A dentist was the founder of the church, school, and hospital. His influence is still felt in Taiwan. He married a Taiwanese lady and his children became church leaders after him.  Posted by Picasa

The bricks in the historic church were a new invention to the Taiwanese. The design of the building was also very different from what they were used to.  Posted by Picasa

Across from the historic church is a huge new church that shows the progress Christianity since the first missionaries came.  Posted by Picasa

The church was not open on the day we visited . It made me want to come back again when I could go inside to see the whole history.  Posted by Picasa

Perry and his father were so gracious to show us the historical place where Christians first came to Taiwan.  Posted by Picasa

The children loved the courtyard in front of the new church that stands on that historic hill.  Posted by Picasa

People were feeding birds in front of the beautiful new church that faces the old church.  Posted by Picasa

On the back of the church you could still see traces of the orginal decorations that covered the bricks.  Posted by Picasa